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UnderwaterTunnel intoan83-metre
‘Water Dragon’ to celebrate the
Year of the Water Dragon, a once-
in-60-year occurrence based on
the lunar calendar. While in the
tunnel, visitors were treated to
Singapore’s frst underwater dragon
dance performance byUWS divers
using a customised waterproof
dragon. The event capturedmedia
attention and made headlines in
mainstream newspapers.
The unique pink dolphin, famous
for its ‘bubbly pink’ coat, and
the opportunities for swims and
interactions at theDolphinLagoon,
for UWS. InMarch 2012, the pink
dolphinswere featured inapopular
Chinese reality TV programme on
Singapore’sMediaCorpChannel 8.
In May 2012, UWS launched a
new display — the Zebra Horn
Shark for the mid-year school
holidays. A new addition to the
sharkfamilyatUWS, this fascinating
species of shark has beautiful body
bands across their body that share
similarity with Zebra’s stripes.
In conjunction with the new
exhibit, UWS introduced a host
of new activities such as marine
storytelling with eco-crafts lessons
using recycledmaterials and roving
magic acts, offering family fun for
visitors of all ages.
Upholding the traditionof bringing
Christmas joy to the guests, the
Divers at the UWS Curatorial
Department all suited up as Santas
and Santarinas, fed the sharks and
rays daily at the Tunnel during
the Christmas season. The annual
festive show continued to amaze
adults and children alike while
attracting media interest.
UWS’ continued strive to bring
themost unique experiences to its
guests bore fruit when its Living in
the Ocean Sleepover programme
was selected in October 2012
as one of the 3 fnalists for the
2012 Singapore’s Best Enrichment
Experience Award. Organised by
the Singapore Tourism Board,
the Singapore Experience Award
is Singapore Tourism’s highest
accolade, recognising Singapore’s
most outstanding experiences.
Competition is expected to stay
ferce in 2013 with existing and
new players vying for a share of
the tourismpie. In the demanding
year ahead, UWSwill intensify sales
and marketing efforts to engage
trade intermediaries ina bid to gain
mindshare and maintain market
share in group travel, as well as
to expand market reach through
developing new sales channels.
One of Singapore’s Top 3 enrichment experiences, the
Living in the Ocean Sleepover programme at Underwater
World Singapore is an underwater night adventure
popular with local and overseas school groups.
Toddlers from Cherie Hearts and students from Fernvale Primary School
learning about the Zebra Horn Shark, the new addition to the shark
family at Underwater World Singapore.
The Pink Dolphin with its Trainer at the
Dolphin Lagoon.
Haw Par Corporation Limited
— annual report 2012